Who’s running Safe Haven?

We’ve assembled a team that understands the plight of those who are shunned for leaving Islam and choose to follow Christ.

Together, the team considers the case of each person who comes to us seeking refuge. They decide the best course of action and bring together those offering refuge and those providing it.

Pastor Ade Omooba

Church Leader and Co-Founder of Christian Concern

Pastor Ade is a native of Nigeria and has seen the effect of extremist Islam on his country. Now a church leader in London, he has helped set up over 100 social action/inclusion projects over the last 23 years.

Nissar Hussain

Christian Convert from Islam

Nissar converted from Islam to Christianity along with his wife and children. He has suffered 18 years of threats for doing so. His experience means that he’s well placed to understand the needs of other victims.

Sam Solomon

Islamic Affairs Advisor to Christian Concern

Sam is a Christian convert from Islam and a regular speaker around the world on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism.

Fred Williams

Film Producer and Campaigner

Fred comes from northern Nigeria where the devastating effects of extremist Islam are well documented. He has first-hand experience of the violent Islamist persecution in his home country and the UK.